Bartonella Henselae is a bacterium that is the causative agent of cat-scratch disease. Lymphadenopathy or swelling of the lymph nodes and fever are the symptoms associated with cat-scratch disease.

Bartonella Henselae is also associated with Lyme disease as the genus of Ixodes ticks serves as a vector for the transmission of the bacterium. Thus, Bartonella Henselae is one of the co-infections associated with Lyme disease. Each scalar light pathogenic cleanse addresses Bartonella Henselae and disassembles this bacterium thus alleviating human as well as animal suffering. As a fundamental force in nature, Scalar Light is capable of disassembling and eradicating any pathogen.


The Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse disassembles bacteria, viruses, protozoan, and fungi inside the human or animal body. 45,000 potential species of pathogens are targeted to be disassembled by way of the scalar light reverse-phase angle harmonic. Each pathogen species possesses one scalar light harmonic that serves to assemble and maintain the geometry of that infectious agent. Conversely, to broadcast the Scalar Light reverse-phase angle harmonic of a specific pathogen would serve to disassemble or transmute that infectious agent into another physical form, such as an element.

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